Acupressure, reflexology, muscle testing, Chi, kiatsu, and oriental herb combinations...should Christians endorse or engage in these alternative health practices?
An in-depth look at James 5:13-16 to clarify the what, when, who, how and why of an ordinance cherished and practiced by the churches of Christ
An in-depth discussion on baptism as taught in the Scriptures, with various types of baptisms examined, and a close look at the baptismal events mentioned in the New Testament
We have only one hope of salvation. That is to crucify our carnal mind, receive the “mind of Christ" and be born of the Spirit. The Bible teaches us that sin is overcome, not by determination, but by giving up—by surrendering our all in faith to Christ, and being born of the Spirit.
There is no question that our conversation has much bearing on the witness and testimony that we leave with others. As Christians, should we be using “kids” in referring to children, or “the old man/lady” in reference to older people, or parents?
Are you depressed? Elijah, possibly the greatest prophet of God the world has ever known, was suffering from fear and depression. In this article we will examine his secret, and how God helped him overcome his depression.
This treatise is for three categories of people: first, those who have been influenced by evolutionary theories; second, those who are not clear in their beliefs; and third, for those who believe that God's Word is true and harmonizes with science.
The theory of evolution was developed at a time when scientists knew very little about life. Scientific findings, like DNA, prove conclusively that life came into being by distinct design. Without DNA there is no life. The theory of evolution stops short at the DNA molecule.
Many people struggle for years with the emotional pain and depression that goes with an unforgiven sin against them, because they do not understand forgiveness. Forgiveness is not a matter of forgetting about it. What is forgiveness? Why forgive? How can I forgive someone who has wronged me?
A series of studies for young girls about how to build Christlike character.
A series of studies for young men on how to build Christlike character.
Guilt is our human emotional response to a broken law, or what we perceive as a a broken law. There is no good solution for guilt: but the Bible provides the solution for sin. When the sin has been dealt with, the guilt will disappear.
Members of our churches have lost millions of dollars through fraudulent financial activities. These losses have far-reaching effects individually, upon our Christian witness, and upon our capacity to fund the work of God’s kingdom. Learn more about fraud, and how to be part of the solution.
Can God be in control of a world that seems to be out of control? When evil is called good and good is called evil, and the innocent suffer while the wicked triumph, we sometimes find God hard to understand. But pain, suffering, and bereavement can all be part of God’s perfect plan.
Life and liberty are the inheritance of the child of God. It is what God has promised those who surrender their lives to Him. What about “the pursuit of happiness”? Is it, like life and liberty, also something that the Bible tells us is the result of being part of the family of God?