Championing a Faith That Works Anabaptist Voice is published quarterly and seeks to interpret Bible truth in a simple childlike way, and to apply Bible teaching to the lives of living saints in a practical manner.
An in-depth discussion on baptism as taught in the Scriptures, with various types of baptisms examined, and a close look at the baptismal events mentioned in the New Testament
Where Did the Anabaptist belief come from? What made the Believe the things they Did?
The Anabaptists were named thusly because of their belief in adult baptism. But why did they refuse to validate or practice infant baptism, even at the risk of losing their lives? A brief look at the reasons for their position on believer's baptism and the Scriptural basis for it.
Can the insincerity of one who is baptized, void the baptism? Should they be rebaptized?
Baptism is an ordinance that Jesus mentioned, and Himself practiced. The early church understood baptism to be a necessary step of obedience. What is the significance of this rite? How can we maintain a Scriptural view and practice of this ordinance?
A congregation sits hushed as a child barely six years old gives a testimony before his baptism and union with the church. Several times he loses his train of thought, and the pastor must prompt him. At last he finishes and is baptized on his testimony... What do you think of this picture?