Acupressure, reflexology, muscle testing, Chi, kiatsu, and oriental herb combinations...should Christians endorse or engage in these alternative health practices?
Championing a Faith That Works Anabaptist Voice is published quarterly and seeks to interpret Bible truth in a simple childlike way, and to apply Bible teaching to the lives of living saints in a practical manner.
Where Did the Anabaptist belief come from? What made the Believe the things they Did?
What the Anabaptists believe about the Amendment of Life and Persecution.
How can you identify the exotic tree growing in the back yard of your newly-purchased property? There is a simple, fool-proof way to find out. How will you know if your new neighbor is the Christian he says he is? Does it matter if his deeds don't match his profession? What does the Bible say?
There is no question that our conversation has much bearing on the witness and testimony that we leave with others. As Christians, should we be using “kids” in referring to children, or “the old man/lady” in reference to older people, or parents?
What is Christian Simplicity. Why do we do the things we do? What is out motive for what we do? What is the Core of Simplicity?
A series of studies for young girls about how to build Christlike character.
A series of studies for young men on how to build Christlike character.
seeing Christ as the Central theme of Scripture
Members of our churches have lost millions of dollars through fraudulent financial activities. These losses have far-reaching effects individually, upon our Christian witness, and upon our capacity to fund the work of God’s kingdom. Learn more about fraud, and how to be part of the solution.
God invites us to enter into the kingdom of heaven, in spite of how broken, sinful and ruined our lives may be. That kingdom is a treasure that everything must be given up to win, but it's a treasure that changes our entire life.
In this newsletter: How Deep Are Your Roots?, Traits of the Self Life, Solar Eclipse, Mirror Mirror, Testimonies from Prison, and more.
What is Nonresistance? How Should I respond when some one mistreats me? Can I Live a nonresistant life in the 20th Century?
In this Issue: The Skeptics' Religion, The Case for Separation, What is Truth?, Was God Dead?, Right in Our Own Eyes, and more.