Acupressure, reflexology, muscle testing, Chi, kiatsu, and oriental herb combinations...should Christians endorse or engage in these alternative health practices?
An in-depth look at James 5:13-16 to clarify the what, when, who, how and why of an ordinance cherished and practiced by the churches of Christ
Is God interested in the state of my health? Does sickness indicate that a person is not pleasing Him? Even though we have faith to be healed of physical ailments, He may choose to not restore health; but we may depend upon Him for spiritual healing, always.
Would you call both of these things sin? Would you rate them equally harmful habits? Would you like to have victory over either one, or both? Would you be interested in knowing what God thinks about these things? Read on...
The last verses of the Book of James are an earnest appeal to let prayer and praise hallow every part of life.This includes the area of our health. When sickness comes God is concerned about our need and has given instructions on how to seek healing from Him.
Why do people get sick? Who is to blame for physical suffering? How can illness be prevented? A look at these questions and more, and a reminder that we will only wish for physical healing as long as we live in our physical bodies. May God receive glory from our lives in both sickness and health!
A series of studies for young girls about how to build Christlike character.
A series of studies for young men on how to build Christlike character.
Coronavirus! What can I do to prepare? Should I be alarmed? Preparation is always wise. Have you prepared your heart for coronavirus? Have you prepared your heart spiritually? “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord"
Impaired or enlarged—which will we choose? Without question God will allow us to suffer in our earth journey. One option leads to a narrowed view and ability to serve others. The choice to see God involved in our lives helps us reach out, beyond our suffering, to others. Which will we choose?
"Is any sick among you?" We cry out against the physical, emotional, and spiritual infirmities we face in our fallen humanity and long for the state of perfection as when God first created man. However... what do we do when there is illness?
Pointers on how to think the truth, thoughts that our Maker wants us to dwell on, so that the marvelous minds He gave us will continue to function in the way that He designed and be a blessing to His kingdom.
While the current pandemic seems novel, there have been similar situations in the past. As you struggle to cope with “lockdowns”, learn of a man writing from a Roman prison how you can be free even during a lockdown. There is cause for hope, and more reasons than ever to share Jesus with the world.