This is a look at the battle of the ages which began when Satan began to waage war against God and continues until he is cast into everlasting fire as recorded in Revelation chapter 12.
There is much confusion over the what the end times will really be like. What does the Bible have to say?
Climate change is a topic of discussion. What does it mean? Some may feel it is because "Mother Nature" is upset with humans. Christians believe it is a way that "Father God" is using to awaken men to the seriousness of sin and the consequences of it.
Session 2 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
The Revelation unveils our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is a Book for a troubled age. When the darkness deepens and the powers of evil seem to have the upper hand, it assures us that God will ultimately triumph, the saints are going to be blessed, and sin will be judged.
When Jesus appeared to John in a vision He left him messages for seven of the churches of Asia. From these letters we see that God does not close His eyes to good or evil and that while the messages were to specific churches, they still apply to us today.
While the current pandemic seems novel, there have been similar situations in the past. As you struggle to cope with “lockdowns”, learn of a man writing from a Roman prison how you can be free even during a lockdown. There is cause for hope, and more reasons than ever to share Jesus with the world.
Before Jesus left the earth He said that He would come again. Two thousand years have passed and the promise is still not fulfilled. Is there reason to believe He will keep His promise?
Some day Satan will be conquered forever, the judgement will take place, and the saints will go to be with the Lord. Are you ready for that day?
Session 6 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
Session 7 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
Session 10 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
One of the truths repeated over and over again in the Bible is the fact that Jesus Christ is coming to the earth twice. None of us knows just when He is going to come again but the Scripture clearly implies that it is possible for us to see the day of the Lord approaching.
Christ's second coming is the hope of the church. The promise is clear — and we do not try to explain it away.
Session 4 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".