A look at Pharaoh the atheist, and some identifying characteristics of atheism, followed by a solemn warning: a born-again Christian may become an atheist. How can such a thing be?! Listen, and learn of eight things that may de-convert a Christian.
This treatise is for three categories of people: first, those who have been influenced by evolutionary theories; second, those who are not clear in their beliefs; and third, for those who believe that God's Word is true and harmonizes with science.
The theory of evolution was developed at a time when scientists knew very little about life. Scientific findings, like DNA, prove conclusively that life came into being by distinct design. Without DNA there is no life. The theory of evolution stops short at the DNA molecule.
The Bible has truths for everyone, but the book of Genesis is foundational to our belief about God, our reason for existence, ethics, morality, and the creation of man. The casting away of the book of Genesis is a sinister warning of moral decay in our society.
A true story demonstrating the power of the gospel.
Is there a God that cares about what happens to man? Does He love mankind? Is He powerful enough to do anything He chooses? If so why is there so much suffering in this world? Why do some people seem blessed and others just struggle along? If He loves man so much why does life seem so unfair?
In this Issue: Cause and Effect, Home Church and School - A Threefold Cord, Cell Phone Rings, What About the Big Bang?, The Essential Nature of Christianity, and more.
In this Issue: I Do, The Code of Life, How to Teach and Train Children, Image Enhancers, What Future Without Children?, Worse than Atheism, and more.
This article is a dialogue between Roger Hertzler and an atheist he met on the street. Roger makes some very thought provoking statements that point to the God that he believes in.
How did the universe begin? How old is the earth? Does evolution give us satisfactory answers? Listen as we explore the depths of these questions and see how clearly the Bible answers them.
This is a 10 Lesson Study book that will guide you through the history of man, starting with creation and continuing to the end of this present world. The text book used for this study is the oldest, most reliable history book in the world, The Holy Bible.
Psalm 14:1 states that "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God." Denial of God’s existence is fundamental to popular views of creation, the fall of man, and redemption. In cultures of unbelief, is there still wisdom in choosing faith?