Is how we manage money important? Does it matter if I buy what I want so long as I keep the bills paid?
Members of our churches have lost millions of dollars through fraudulent financial activities. These losses have far-reaching effects individually, upon our Christian witness, and upon our capacity to fund the work of God’s kingdom. Learn more about fraud, and how to be part of the solution.
Here is an inseparable union deciding how to use their liquid resources to glorify God. How shall they manage their money without it managing them? As they make carefully use what He has entrusted to their care, they do well to remember that marriage has higher purposes than financial success.
Money… whose? If it is mine, is it all mine? If it is God’s, should I give it all back to Him? If He only requires a portion, how do I decide what percent to give? Should He have any say about how I spend what I keep? Listen to find answers for these questions, and more.
As Western Christians, we've minimized a subject Jesus emphasized—our wealth. What if your possessions belong to those who need them as much as they belong to you? How would viewing poverty and possessions through Jesus' perspective effect your life?
In this Issue: Who Are You? Extremism, Apes in Your Ancestry? Left to Himself, We've Got Good News to Tell, A Widow's Gift
In this Issue: What About Tattoos? Who Owns the Children?The Global Flood or Gradual Eons? The Husband's Song, Purposeful Giving
A look at Anabaptist groups of the past, and their economies, followed by an exposition on what the Bible teaches about wealth. They used the Word of God for their guide in the matters of wealth and possessions: do we??
One who steals deprives another of property that rightfully belongs to that person. Life today offers a hundred ways to be dishonest that we may be tempted to try in order to get ahead. Although you may never become a house breaker you still might be a thief.
What a question! Who wouldn't like to have no financial worries, especially these days when everything is so expensive? But - will money meet the needs of your soul?