Championing a Faith That Works Anabaptist Voice is published quarterly and seeks to interpret Bible truth in a simple childlike way, and to apply Bible teaching to the lives of living saints in a practical manner.
To whom shall we go for help in the all-important task of child training: worldly philosophies or Biblical premises? Listen to the 3 R's that every child should learn before he goes to school to get his second set. Learn 8 basic principles that parents should employ, many of them from Grandpa's day.
Practical teaching on courtship, marriage, and child training.
Do we, like Moses, have personal conviction worth passing on? Personal conviction cannot be forced. We need to have a passion for our own personal conviction, yet respect others as well. Are we willing to allow our children to ask questions yet guide them diligently into a life of Christian service
The relationship that parents have with their children in early years will set the course for that child's life. Where can you learn how to teach your child? God values children, and so should we. Let us learn from our Heavenly Father the best way to relate to the precious souls He has given to us.
God has called fathers to an important role, one that takes courage. Why and when does a father need courage? With the help of his Heavenly Father, each Christian father seeks to lead his family to that Father, making that his chief aim in life. Fathers, be of good courage!
Why is family worship necessary? Or important? Don’t our children hear enough Bible teaching at church? How can we make family devotional time relevant, and hold the interest of the varied levels of age and understanding?
In this Issue: The Miracle of Peace, Finding Peace in Stressful Times, Training Children for God, God's Dream House, The Wells of Trouble, The Human Race, and more.
In this Issue: The Longsuffering of God, Applying the Principles of Child Training, The Garden and the Slump, Collar on the Wall, The Great American Eclipse, and more.
In the ever-expanding list of disorderly behaviors identified by psychologists, what should a Christian parent believe? Do we change the basic Biblical child-training beliefs we have been taught? A brief look at several disorders, and a call to raise families according to the truths of the Bible.
Children come into this world thinking only of one thing: me, me, me! However, somehow children must learn that they are here to be of service to others. Their mentality must take a 180-degree turn... and the challenge for helping developing this mindset rests on their parents. How do we do it?
A special message for parents, especially fathers, “to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”
In this Issue: Resolutions for 2021, "It Is Finished" In Creation, Exposing the Self-Love Concept, The Training Up of Children, What Can Transform Your Life
In this Issue: Who Are You? Extremism, Apes in Your Ancestry? Left to Himself, We've Got Good News to Tell, A Widow's Gift
In this Issue: What About Tattoos? Who Owns the Children?The Global Flood or Gradual Eons? The Husband's Song, Purposeful Giving