Climate change-is there such a thing? Should Christians worry about it if it exists? Instruction for the uninformed, and comfort for the anxious, on the theme, based on the authoritative Word of the Creator. He designed the atmosphere, weather, and climate, and is still in control of planet Earth.
The Bible begins with the simple and yet profound statement that God is the Creator of all things. Those who oppose this view say that evolution formed the world. Which world view do the facts agree with?
This treatise is for three categories of people: first, those who have been influenced by evolutionary theories; second, those who are not clear in their beliefs; and third, for those who believe that God's Word is true and harmonizes with science.
The theory of evolution was developed at a time when scientists knew very little about life. Scientific findings, like DNA, prove conclusively that life came into being by distinct design. Without DNA there is no life. The theory of evolution stops short at the DNA molecule.
In the last 150 years since Darwin wrote the “Origin of the Species” there has been extensive exploration of the sedimentary deposits for fossils. Look at the facts, and draw your own conclusion; has the unearthing of fossils strengthened or weakened the case for Creation?
Humanism is Satanic driven — essentially glorifying man in defiance of God. Humanism is an “easy” flip of Truth, in our easy-to-live, fun-filled, pleasure-mad, financially-driven, entitlement-minded, counter culture society.
Climate change is a topic of discussion. What does it mean? Some may feel it is because "Mother Nature" is upset with humans. Christians believe it is a way that "Father God" is using to awaken men to the seriousness of sin and the consequences of it.
In this newsletter: Understanding Forgiveness, What Is Our Life?, Life in a Concentration Camp in Russia, Testimonies and Poems from Prison, An Answered Prayer, Science in Creation: comets, Father: An Anointed Teacher, and more.
In this newsletter: Facing Trials with Joy, Science in Creation: Pearls, Be A Peacemaker, Testimonies and Poems from prison, Train up a Child, Mistaken for a Pirate, and more.
In this newsletter: How Deep Are Your Roots?, Traits of the Self Life, Solar Eclipse, Mirror Mirror, Testimonies from Prison, and more.
In this newsletter: Jesus The Light of the World, The First Christian Martyrs, Poems and Stories From Prison, and more.
In this newsletter: Walking in Truth, The Gospel of the Kingdom, Science in Creation: Numbers, and more.
In this Issue: Honoring His Image, A More Excellent Way, Is There Life on Other Planets?, Free on the Inside, and more.
In this Issue: The Miracle of Peace, Finding Peace in Stressful Times, Training Children for God, God's Dream House, The Wells of Trouble, The Human Race, and more.
In this Issue: The Longsuffering of God, Applying the Principles of Child Training, The Garden and the Slump, Collar on the Wall, The Great American Eclipse, and more.