From His very own mother to the religious Pharisees, and from John the disciple to the soldiers who crucified Him, many watched Christ die. Weep with those who wept; discover Jesus with those who discovered Jesus—Jesus, Who died as few men die.
The purpose of Jesus' life was to go to the cross to die. What was a Roman crucifixion like?
Alcohol is the most destructive drug in general use today. The reasons for drinking are various but the results of using liquor are the same; broken homes and broken lives. But the real question for those who are Christians and drink is "What does God think of my using alcohol?"
This is a very real problem, and not just "out there"- it is native to us all. Life brings disappointments and pain and circumstances that we can do nothing to change, but God wants us to be overcomers, to get up off the bottom of life and choose to look at life His way.
The Holy Spirit pleads with lost souls to be saved today. Too many people put Him off and say, "There's plenty of time, I'll get saved later." If you are doing this do you realize the danger you are putting yourself in?
This article is a dialogue between Roger Hertzler and an atheist he met on the street. Roger makes some very thought provoking statements that point to the God that he believes in.
Jesus said that the time before His coming would be like the days of Noah. So just what were the days of Noah like?
What does a well dressed Christian look like? In Colossians we are given a list of eight beautiful characteristics which will make the Christian spiritually well dressed.
Risking your life to obtain a trinket is foolish. Yet every day people choose sin's trinkets over eternal life. Perhaps this is because they do not know what the destiny of a fool will actually be like.
Death is a result of sin; and it is an enemy we all face. Medical science and health advocates are continually seeking ways to prolong life and delay the process of death. They would like to destroy death. But death is all inclusive and certain. It does not miss anyone. What can we do?
One who steals deprives another of property that rightfully belongs to that person. Life today offers a hundred ways to be dishonest that we may be tempted to try in order to get ahead. Although you may never become a house breaker you still might be a thief.
Deterioration defines many homes in American society. What is God's plan for Christian homes, and how can we prevent deterioration in our own homes?
This book is intended to be a study guide to equip men to a life of service to God. The lessons are designed to work as a self guided study or a group study. The goal is to develop Godly character in all areas of life.
God’s great delight in humanity is evident, strong, deep, and nearly incomprehensible. But... there are some really messy situations out there.