Where Did the Anabaptist belief come from? What made the Believe the things they Did?
What is Christian Simplicity. Why do we do the things we do? What is out motive for what we do? What is the Core of Simplicity?
Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel of the kingdom, then instructed them to fear God, not men. How does reverence effect our message and our lifestyle?
"Flee idolatry", the Apostle Paul wrote long ago. Can we recognize what idolatry looks like today? And once we recognize what it is that is filling the place of GOD in our lives, do we know how to flee from it?
I asked because...well, you seem reluctant to talk about Jesus at work. If I ask you a question about your religion, you act embarrassed. Sometimes you get mad. You seem to enjoy off-color jokes. So, I am wondering: are you saved?
seeing Christ as the Central theme of Scripture
Chastisement is to bring change—change that is needed. Do you know when chastisement happens? Does it come with varying intensity/levels? Does the Bible offer any hope that we might outgrow our need for chastisement? Listen, and be encouraged to accept the loving chastening of the Lord.
Heart-keeping is a personal discipline that must last a lifetime. How do we keep our hearts, from which all life springs? With diligence, focus, perseverance, and by pondering the path of our feet.
God invites us to enter into the kingdom of heaven, in spite of how broken, sinful and ruined our lives may be. That kingdom is a treasure that everything must be given up to win, but it's a treasure that changes our entire life.
How can we please God? A sermon that explores the lives of several men of whom it is said specifically that they pleased God, to learn what it takes to be among their number.
Is holiness merely a lovely theory, an unreachable goal that God sets for us? Or is it a practical teaching that is meant to make a difference in how we live? The Bible says, "Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14) If that is true, we had better know how our lives measure up.
The flag a ship flies identifies that ship. What flag are we flying on the ship of our life, God or Satan's? Or are we trying to sail under both of them?
Christians face many fleshly appeals that conflict with the claims of Christ. This message is a thoughtful, serious call to a life in Christ that is not controlled by fleshly desires.
Have you ever wondered, with the Christians in Rome, why it is that if God’s grace is so glorious in forgiveness, we shouldn’t keep on sinning so He can keep on forgiving us? If so, take the time to listen to Paul’s answer to them as found in Romans 6.