"God of our strength, enthroned above..." Is your life dedicated to the glory of God? Is your faith, confidence and trust in His strength, or is it in your own strength?
How can a person know what is imaginary and what is actual? We tend to depend on our five senses to help us sort the fictitious from the genuine; but did you know that those may be fooled? So if our senses are not a reliable guide, what is?
Do you struggle with focus in your spiritual life? Do church services seem stale, your Bible dry and unappealing? Could you have spiritual A.D.D.? The Bible presents symptoms, causes, and best of all, a cure: Where your treasure is, there will your heart (and attention) be also.
In or on what is your identity based? Possessions, position, status, accomplishments? All of these will lost, altered, or outdated; only in the unchanging Christ will you find a solid sense of worth and identity.
Heart-keeping is a personal discipline that must last a lifetime. How do we keep our hearts, from which all life springs? With diligence, focus, perseverance, and by pondering the path of our feet.
Pointers on how to think the truth, thoughts that our Maker wants us to dwell on, so that the marvelous minds He gave us will continue to function in the way that He designed and be a blessing to His kingdom.
In today’s world, meditation is touted as the panacea for coping with stress and distress. What does God’s Word say about meditation? In this sermon, be challenged to meditate on God and consider Him, and find relief from the pressures and anxieties that life brings to us all.
God is calling His chosen people out of a corrupt society to live in moral purity. How do we become pure? How shall we remain pure? Listen and be inspired to strive for purity of life in all areas. "Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God!"
Satan is not the friend of man, no manner the disguise in which he opts to appear. If you have chosen to belong to God, it should be no surprise to find that His arch enemy has it in for you. But your all-powerful Helper will stand with you as you fight.
How I think about myself matters. If I think wrongly of myself, there will be major problems. How does God want me to think about myself? A look into the Word of God to see what He has to say about the matter. To think of myself rightly will help me find peace and be a valuable part of HIs kingdom.
This is a very real problem, and not just "out there"- it is native to us all. Life brings disappointments and pain and circumstances that we can do nothing to change, but God wants us to be overcomers, to get up off the bottom of life and choose to look at life His way.
A look into Creator’s Book to explore the relationship between seeds planted and harvest gathered, the connection between decisions and consequences. They may be more important than you realize!
What is the devil: a friend, or an enemy? If he is an enemy, you do well to identify and avoid falling into his deceitful traps. In this sermon, six of his common subterfuges are exposed by the searchlight of God's Word for the falsehoods that they actually are. Protect yourself with Truth!