Part 1 of a 3 part series on personal and group witnessing.
You have left Jerusalem, and now you are being sent to Judea/Samaria. Where are those areas, for you? Who will you meet there? You may well meet folks seeking after the Lord, ‘if haply they might find him.’ Look for the seekers in ethnic groups, soup kitchens, prisons and elderly care facilities.
And now "to the uttermost"--the unreached people groups. How many are there? Where will we find them? And to all who have heard the Great Co-Mission as given by our Lord: Will you be a Goer? Will you be a Sender? Or--will you be Disobedient?
I asked because...well, you seem reluctant to talk about Jesus at work. If I ask you a question about your religion, you act embarrassed. Sometimes you get mad. You seem to enjoy off-color jokes. So, I am wondering: are you saved?
From the story of Jesus calling Peter to become a fisher of men instead of fish, learn some parallels to being an evangelistic Christian today. Let us think more of the lost, and what we can do to reach them with the good news of the Gospel! Launch out into the deep!
If Jesus was holy, what was there about Him that attracted the publicans and sinners? How can those who follow the pure and holy Christ relate to an immoral and degenerate world? Can Christians share His love in a love that draws sinners toward the Savior without becoming contaminated themselves?
The Gospel of Jesus is the foundation of Christianity and our hope. What will happen to the person who accepts that Gospel as the truth on which to build his life? How will the world recognize the disciples of Jesus? Do you know how to help someone accept that Gospel for his own life?
Is your Life like a Desert? Are you longing for something this world can't supply you? Be like the Samaritan Woman and Accept the Source of Living Water.
Man outside of Christ is in deep spiritual debt because of sin. This debt that we have inherited is more than we can pay. Unlike a home mortgage, there can be no debt restructuring plan, but there are three very important steps we can take to be debt free.