There is a time and place for enjoying hunting, as well as other legitimate pass times. But in every season, God's people are to love Him with their whole heart, soul, strength and mind. May it be our passion to share the story of redemption with others!
How do you define entertainment? Does it carry a negative or positive connotation? How do you decide what is legitimate? innocent? permissible? What do you think our Master did when he ‘resorted to the garden’? What would he want his followers to do when they are facing burnout?
What is the root of the selfie spirit? Can you picture Jesus Christ taking a selfie and posting it? If He would not, should His followers? This sermon is an insightful view of the self-centered selfie, and when you have listened to it, you will know the answers to the questions above.
How delightful this world is! At least it was meant to be. God virtually crammed His creation with various pleasures. However not all pleasures are for the Christian. How can we know God's will in this?
Since selfies are a modern development, does the Bible have anything pertinent to say to the subject? We are warned that the last days will be perilous, because “men shall be lovers of their own selves”. Consider: Can you imagine Jesus posting a selfie showing Himself washing the disciples’ feet?
Christians are under the Scriptural directive to make sure that everything we do is to the glory of God. So what will glorifying God look like when we're on vacation?
“Come ye apart and rest awhile,” Jesus invited His weary disciples. Could you feel comfortable inviting Him to your cabin? Would you invite Him to join in your leisure time activities?
Professional sports are driven by idolatry, immorality, lust and greed. What does this mean to the disciple of Jesus?