Music can calm people or it can arouse whole nations. It moves soldiers to bravery, punks to immorality, and the godly to worship. What is your music doing for you? More importantly, what should it be doing for you? What does God want music to work in you?
"Come, let us worship" - who issues this invitation? A sovereign God! "Worship him in spirit and in truth." But how shall mortal man worship a Being so awesome? He, Himself, tells us of the worship that pleases Him.
Satan has many ways to distract our minds from God, and music is one of the most effective. This article is sobering look at music genres, the lives of singers, and a few examples of terrible crimes committed due to the influences of ungodly music. Accept the challenge to test your favorite music.
How does the music you listen to affect you? Does it incite rebellion? Or is it an expression of worshiping "in spirit and in truth?"