"God of our strength, enthroned above..." Is your life dedicated to the glory of God? Is your faith, confidence and trust in His strength, or is it in your own strength?
How can we deal with the brokeness and mental struggles in our lives and that of others? Does the Bible have answers for this?
Second Timothy is the last letter that Paul ever wrote. The letter is Paul's final farewell. He was in prison because of his faith—jailed for preaching Christ and the resurrection from the dead. This article covers three main points from Paul's final exhortation.
How can a person know what is imaginary and what is actual? We tend to depend on our five senses to help us sort the fictitious from the genuine; but did you know that those may be fooled? So if our senses are not a reliable guide, what is?
Are you depressed? Elijah, possibly the greatest prophet of God the world has ever known, was suffering from fear and depression. In this article we will examine his secret, and how God helped him overcome his depression.
Do you struggle with focus in your spiritual life? Do church services seem stale, your Bible dry and unappealing? Could you have spiritual A.D.D.? The Bible presents symptoms, causes, and best of all, a cure: Where your treasure is, there will your heart (and attention) be also.
Guilt is our human emotional response to a broken law, or what we perceive as a a broken law. There is no good solution for guilt: but the Bible provides the solution for sin. When the sin has been dealt with, the guilt will disappear.
One of the primary ways to grow spiritually is through Bible study. In spite of the many benefits and blessings of Bible study to many it is something to be rushed through if taken time for at all. If this is how it is for you there are a few different approaches which may help.
In or on what is your identity based? Possessions, position, status, accomplishments? All of these will lost, altered, or outdated; only in the unchanging Christ will you find a solid sense of worth and identity.
Just exactly what are imaginations and what does the Bible say about them? Our thought life must be pure if we wish to see God. How do we harness our imaginations for God's glory?
Impaired or enlarged—which will we choose? Without question God will allow us to suffer in our earth journey. One option leads to a narrowed view and ability to serve others. The choice to see God involved in our lives helps us reach out, beyond our suffering, to others. Which will we choose?
Heart-keeping is a personal discipline that must last a lifetime. How do we keep our hearts, from which all life springs? With diligence, focus, perseverance, and by pondering the path of our feet.
Pointers on how to think the truth, thoughts that our Maker wants us to dwell on, so that the marvelous minds He gave us will continue to function in the way that He designed and be a blessing to His kingdom.
There are many kinds of emotional problems, and causes for them. They seem to be increasing at an alarming rate. What might be causing this epidemic? Do emotional difficulties bring opportunities for spiritual growth? God has designed us with emotions that can enrich our lives if lived by His plan.