Championing A Faith That Works. Anabaptist Voice is published quarterly and seeks to interpret Bible truth in a simple childlike way, and to apply Bible teaching to the lives of living saints in a practical manner.
Second Timothy is the last letter that Paul ever wrote. The letter is Paul's final farewell. He was in prison because of his faith—jailed for preaching Christ and the resurrection from the dead. This article covers three main points from Paul's final exhortation.
What role do grace, faith and works have in salvation? Rediscover a Biblical view of these terms and a New Testament perspective of salvation.
The true story of how a prisoner found liberty in Jesus Christ.
How do we deal with sin and the shame that comes with it? Many turn to substance abuse to dull the pain. Others try do do good works. But only through Jesus Christ can we be healed.
Collectively, we are haunted by the paradise we've lost. However, Christ has come to offer justification in the place of condemnation, life in the place of death, truth in the place of lies, and peace for turmoil. Is that an offer you can reject?
Christians ask, "Is Romans 7 about Christians, or unbelievers?"…In Romans, this chapter is a bridge between the life of sin and life in the spirit. Discover how God wants to enable us to keep His law, rather than being held in bondage by it.
God’s great delight in humanity is evident, strong, deep, and nearly incomprehensible. But... there are some really messy situations out there.
When the Holy Spirit lives in a Christian certain virtues will be seen in that person's life. These are called the fruit of the Spirit for He alone can produce them in us.
If you knew that you were to come face to face with God in five minutes, on what basis could you find the assurance to remain calm and serene?…enter God's mercy, and the magnificent mercy seat…
In Christian thinking, both grace and performance are often emphasized in unhealthy, imbalanced ways. This sermon celebrates grace while calling you to abide in Jesus.
Many believers have been taught that, in spite of anything a believer does, there is no way he or she could forfeit eternal salvation. What does the Bible teach about unconditional eternal security?