If I am tired of myself and my old life, what must I do so that "all things become new"? And what can I do about my situation if it doesn't feel like everything is new and wonderful?
This is a look at the battle of the ages which began when Satan began to waage war against God and continues until he is cast into everlasting fire as recorded in Revelation chapter 12.
A person begins to know the Lord when he repents of his sins and believes in Christ as his Lord and Savior. But truly knowing God goes far beyond this first step. It is a living relationship with a living God.
"You are complete in Him." This message, which especially addresses pastors, emphasizes the centrality of Christ in the gospel, the sufficiency of Christ in salvation, and the completeness of Christ in Christian experience.
How do we deal with sin and the shame that comes with it? Many turn to substance abuse to dull the pain. Others try do do good works. But only through Jesus Christ can we be healed.
A clear explanation of how Jesus erased our sin and set us free. And when the record of our sin has been covered with the blood of the Lamb of God, what do we owe the Justifier?
God has a plan for man's happiness—so Satan made a counterfeit plan. Following Satan's plan and trying to find happiness in money, sex, drugs, or good deeds is like leaning on a crutch that breaks and pierce your hand with splinters.
How did Jesus fulfill the type of the Jewish Passover? How does His death coincide with the death of the Passover lamb? Most importantly, WHAT DOES JESUS' DEATH MEAN FOR US TODAY? How are Christians to live like Him? How does God's will affect the doctrine of predestination?
God is an amazing Being who wants to get your attention. Where are you on the scale of responding to Him?
The purpose of Jesus' life was to go to the cross to die. What was a Roman crucifixion like?
Death is a result of sin; and it is an enemy we all face. Medical science and health advocates are continually seeking ways to prolong life and delay the process of death. They would like to destroy death. But death is all inclusive and certain. It does not miss anyone. What can we do?
God’s great delight in humanity is evident, strong, deep, and nearly incomprehensible. But... there are some really messy situations out there.
Broken covenants require atonement. But in our broken relationship with the Creator, Jesus shed His blood to redeem that covenant relationship—the blood of the Lamb of God, "which taketh away the sin of the world."
What is the election of God? Does it mean that some people will automatically be saved and others not?