Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, faced His “cup” with courage and confidence in the Father. Believers must also face their “cup” and their cross. Face it like Jesus.
Do you need a place to hide? God invites you to trust in Him. He is the safest hiding place you will ever find!
In our world today, loneliness is an epidemic. How does loneliness affect us? Why do we struggle with it and what can we do about it?
Christ came to minister to hurting hearts. Would you learn of Him how to help others find beauty despite their piles of ashes? Like Him, you must be filled with the Spirit.
Second Timothy is the last letter that Paul ever wrote. The letter is Paul's final farewell. He was in prison because of his faith—jailed for preaching Christ and the resurrection from the dead. This article covers three main points from Paul's final exhortation.
The Bible pictures God's people as strangers and pilgrims passing through an unfriendly world. The apostle Peter shows us that inspite of these earthly trials we can have hope and even joy, for four different reasons.
The song writer answered this question for us: “Oh, yes, He cares! I know He cares!” But how does He show that He cares when we face difficulties, disease, disaster, death? Be comforted as you listen to this sermon, and learn to recognize ways that Jesus is showing you that He really cares.
Pastor Melvin Roes shares from his heart and experiences (including the death of his wife) in this personal message. Faith in crisis is simply reaching out (in absolute dependence) to a God Who cares.
Day after day, people rush from project to project, responsibility to responsibility, obligation to obligation. Christ still says, “Come; I will give you rest." This invitation is from our Savior. Yet, as He walked among men, He was one who knew little rest. So how can this be?
We have our ideas of what we want and what God should do for us. What happens when God doesn't meet our expectations?