“Biblical submission is a benefit, a privilege and is freedom, an invitation to walk the journey of life with Someone.” What will godly submission look like, in us?
The local church is where Christians who love God express love to each other. Where believers relate in Christ-likeness, we discover the blessings of brotherhood—unselfish giving, witnessing, togetherness, counsel, completeness and support.
An elder speaks regarding brotherhood agreements—a concept common in Anabaptist groups. While abuse of practical agreements are devastating, Dale explores the potential for brotherhoods to come together in genuine unity of life.
We will have relationships with others all our lives. How do we build them? How do we blend, while acknowledging diversity? Is truth or love more important in a relationship? There are answers to be found from the One who made us all, and Who will help us to have mutually satisfactory relationships?
"Oh, for some good church life!" Restlessness because we want better church life has some good aspects to it. Vision and purpose in church life are good. So where do we find the perfect church?
The body of Christ is meant to function in heavenly unity. Is this closeness possible? How can real people with real issues be knit together in Christ?
Live and let live! Many roads lead to Heaven! How should the Christian relate to such views? Arm yourself with the mind of Christ, and cultivate an allegiance to Him that makes you live like someone who believes that the end of all things is at hand.
Christ has dreamed a dream: His dream is a perfectly glorious Bride. Do you share that dream with Him? Do you see it? Feel it? Live in it? Seven rock-solid glories from Hebrews 12 to admire and strive for.