We live in a society of extremes. Although there are many lights, people still live in “darkness”. There are frenzied shoppers in financial bondage, while others do not observe Christmas, insisting that it is wrong because of all the ado. Where do God’s people fit into the picture?
Championing a Faith That Works Anabaptist Voice is published quarterly and seeks to interpret Bible truth in a simple childlike way, and to apply Bible teaching to the lives of living saints in a practical manner.
Championing A Faith That Works. Anabaptist Voice is published quarterly and seeks to interpret Bible truth in a simple childlike way, and to apply Bible teaching to the lives of living saints in a practical manner.
Tragedy strikes once every ten minutes on American highways. Five motorists die each hour amid twisted steel and shattered glass. Automobile accidents snuff out more than 800 lives every week and approximately 42,000 annually.
We have only one hope of salvation. That is to crucify our carnal mind, receive the “mind of Christ" and be born of the Spirit. The Bible teaches us that sin is overcome, not by determination, but by giving up—by surrendering our all in faith to Christ, and being born of the Spirit.
Even the most sincere "walk down the aisle" or the most passionate "sinner's prayer" is no substitute for Jesus' words, "take up your cross daily and follow me." Christianity is a life—not a one-time decision.
A thoughtful look at the main points of Calvinistic doctrine, a careful correction of lopsided emphases according to the Scriptures, and a call to follow the One who said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed." John 8:31
Some truths, kindly pointed out and explained, to the person comfortable in the thought that sincerity is what counts. Salvation is NOT dependent upon sincerity, and it is a world of difference--in fact, an eternity of difference!--what a person believes about the Lord Jesus Christ.
We don't like to think about growing old. But man’s mortality rate is 100%. And after death comes judgment. That’s reality, whether or not we try to duck it. Do you want to know what God says about it?
Can someone who was saved lose that gift and again be lost, or is the person who is once saved, always saved?
How long is eternity? No end in sight! No end! Forever and for-ever! What startling words! The life God breathed into man makes man an eternal being-one whose life will never end.
Why we should require, search for, and trust in “formula” salvation.
There is no need to wander through life, aimlessly and alone. Reach out and take His hand! He will lead you to His eternal home to live with Him forever!
God has placed STOP signs in the Bible for our safety. You may ignore them if you wish, but if you do, you will crash someday. It won't be your car that crashes--it will be your life. But you do not need to be among the casualties; heed the STOP signs!
Jim Wolf spent more than seven years behind bars. But he spent more years than that in the bondage of sin. As a youth, Jim spent much of his time on the street selling drugs, breaking into people’s houses, stealing, lying, cheating. Those years brought a harvest of trouble. Fights. The law. Jail.