This statement of Christian doctrine and discipline has been prepared in the fear of God with a deep burden for the proper application of the unchanging principles of the Word of God.
Second Timothy is the last letter that Paul ever wrote. The letter is Paul's final farewell. He was in prison because of his faith—jailed for preaching Christ and the resurrection from the dead. This article covers three main points from Paul's final exhortation.
Dordrecht Confession of Faith (Mennonite, 1632) Adopted April 21, 1632, by a Dutch Mennonite Conference held at Dordrecht, Holland.
Something humanly incredible, divinely mysterious, and eternally significant occurred in the Incarnation of our Lord. Jesus became totally human while continuing to be 100% divine. By His sinless life, sacrificial death, and resurrection in a glorified body, He is worthy to be Lord of all!
A brief explanation of the origin of the term Mennonite, and a short list of some of their distinctive doctrines and practices, with Bible references given to explain the basis for their beliefs
Can the insincerity of one who is baptized, void the baptism? Should they be rebaptized?
Absolute? or obsolete? These questions demand honest answers. Your answers to them will shape the way you live life here and now, and affect your destiny in the world to come.
Communion: a Christian ordinance, a commemoration, an anticipation, a confirmation, a participation in the sufferings of Christ, the Head of the church. We do not remember His death alone, but in the fellowship of the body of believers. Let us commune with Him, and with each other, "till He come."
A congregation sits hushed as a child barely six years old gives a testimony before his baptism and union with the church. Several times he loses his train of thought, and the pastor must prompt him. At last he finishes and is baptized on his testimony... What do you think of this picture?