Are the teachings of John Calvin such as limited atonement and unconditional election supported by the Bible?
Barnabas, the companion of Paul, possessed exceptional spiritual qualities. He was generous, loyal, forgiving and encouraging. Men like him make the church strong.
Second Timothy is the last letter that Paul ever wrote. The letter is Paul's final farewell. He was in prison because of his faith—jailed for preaching Christ and the resurrection from the dead. This article covers three main points from Paul's final exhortation.
Christians speak of "being saved." What is this all about?
One of the recurring themes in the Bible is that salvation is of the Lord. This is clearly demonstrated in the story of Jonah in the fish.
One of the most beautiful and comforting of God’s attributes is that of His tenderness. The Scriptures present us with several illustrations and pictures of how God gently relates to man.
God’s great delight in humanity is evident, strong, deep, and nearly incomprehensible. But... there are some really messy situations out there.
When the Holy Spirit lives in a Christian certain virtues will be seen in that person's life. These are called the fruit of the Spirit for He alone can produce them in us.
God has a loving concern for all people, whether it is the sinner on the street or the self-righteous church member. He wants both to experience His forgiveness and love.
The resurrection of Jesus assures that He is living today and has all power in Heaven and earth. That power is available to help us overcome sin. When we have been changed by the power of Jesus it will be obvious in at least several different ways.
Can you picture Jesus Christ on the cross? The pain, the blood, the agony. And yet no words of hate or pleas for release came from His lips. In His darkest hours He spoke seven times, and the words were words of love.