There are two Kingdoms. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. You need to learn to recognize the differences between them.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel for sinners. Often though, we do not realize that so called "good people" are sinners also just like the drunk or prostitute.
For every human being there are two basic choices—righteousness or sin, life or death. You can pick your road, but you must accept then destiny it leads you too.
There are many situations where life seems too much to handle or that disobedience to God would be the wisest course to follow. When you are tempted to think this, remember the two words, "But God..." and the wonderful Bible promises that follow them.
Many believers have been taught that, in spite of anything a believer does, there is no way he or she could forfeit eternal salvation. What does the Bible teach about unconditional eternal security?
Why do we practice nonresistance and nonconformity? Why not just go with the flow?
The Book of Revelation reveals Jesus Christ and God's provision for and protection of the redeemed. It gives hope for all those who place their trust in God.
What does Salvation consist of? Can we experience all aspects of Salvation in this life?
Addictions: defined,explained, warned against...and best of all, HOPE offered for freedom from the slavery of addictions!
Popular Christian culture has embraced divorce and remarriage almost as enthusiastically as the larger western culture. But have we thought through this issue Biblically? This article searches New Testament teaching for clarity on this critical issue.
How does a Christian grow stronger, resist temptation more firmly, shore up areas of weakness? From the joyful pen of a conqueror, Apostle Paul, learn ten "heart declarations" that will lead you upward toward the goal of VICTORY
All mankind was born into a world dark with sin. But there came a day when the Source of Light sent the Light into this dark world. Now we may choose to walk in the light--with Him.
Water: a basic human need. Does it matter HOW the needed water is located? Does God's Word have any thing to say on the subject of water dowsing/witching? A thoughtful look at this perplexing topic, and some questions raised to which no answers are given....and yet, Biblical direction is found.