Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 1 of 5

Session 1 of a 5 part series taking a look at the past, present, and future of the Mennonite identity. In this session Titus takes the listener thru the some of the historical foundations of the Anabaptist movement and asks "Can you name the three founders of the Anabaptist church?

Why Are You a Mennonite?
  1. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 1 of 5
    Titus Hofer
  2. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 2 of 5
    Titus Hofer
  3. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 3 of 5
    Titus Hofer
  4. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 4 of 5
    Titus Hofer
  5. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 5 of 5
    Titus Hofer
Why Are You a Mennonite?
Titus Hofer
Anabaptist Faith

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