Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 4 of 5

Session 4 of a 5 part series taking a look at the past, present, and future of the Mennonite identity. In this session Titus observes two key points of the Anabaptist faith. #1 The true church is willing to deal with sin - #2 is willing to obey the entire New Testament even the “unpopular” parts!

Why Are You a Mennonite?
  1. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 1 of 5
    Titus Hofer
  2. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 2 of 5
    Titus Hofer
  3. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 3 of 5
    Titus Hofer
  4. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 4 of 5
    Titus Hofer
  5. Why Are You a Mennonite? Part 5 of 5
    Titus Hofer
Why Are You a Mennonite?
Titus Hofer
Anabaptist Faith

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