What does Salvation consist of? Can we experience all aspects of Salvation in this life?
Addictions: defined,explained, warned against...and best of all, HOPE offered for freedom from the slavery of addictions!
Popular Christian culture has embraced divorce and remarriage almost as enthusiastically as the larger western culture. But have we thought through this issue Biblically? This article searches New Testament teaching for clarity on this critical issue.
How does a Christian grow stronger, resist temptation more firmly, shore up areas of weakness? From the joyful pen of a conqueror, Apostle Paul, learn ten "heart declarations" that will lead you upward toward the goal of VICTORY
Water: a basic human need. Does it matter HOW the needed water is located? Does God's Word have any thing to say on the subject of water dowsing/witching? A thoughtful look at this perplexing topic, and some questions raised to which no answers are given....and yet, Biblical direction is found.
This book explores what the Scriptures say about dowsing.
In these days when the issues of skin color and ethnicity are the underlying factor in riots, bigotry, and unrest, the Christian turns to the Word of God to learn from the Author of Life how to relate to them. What difference does ethnic origin make to Him? to the church? in eternity?
If we believe that God is the Designer of marriage, we accept that His Word is our authority about this relationship between a man and a woman. Is marriage ALWAYS permanent? Is divorce ALWAYS wrong? This article lays a Biblical base from which to draw clear answers to these thorny questions.
Joe Andrews, now middle-aged, was stopped short one day by the thought, Suppose I got everything I wanted—a better job, a new house, and more leisure time—would I be really satisfied? His honest answer was “No.”