Who or what dictates the style of clothing you wear? Has God shared any thoughts on this subject? Yes, He has! The world needs to see people whose lives—and clothing—show obedience to the standards that God has put in place for His people.
The church at Corinth was established by Paul on his second missionary journey. The book of 1 Corinthians gives us a good picture of the life of the early church. It deals with Christian conduct. It is essentially an epistle of correction.
God has created man with a controllable sex drive. Gratification cancels out satisfaction; satisfaction means no immediate gratification. You and I continually make the choice between the two...because we cannot have both.
What is holiness? Is holiness in real life really necessary for believers?
Just exactly what are imaginations and what does the Bible say about them? Our thought life must be pure if we wish to see God. How do we harness our imaginations for God's glory?
In this Issue: Selfish or Godish?, What does the Bible say about Purity?, Surviving a Broken Home, Cooperating Systems in Creation, What is Your Top Priority?, Do Christians Hate?
In this Issue: Selfie (A Self-Portrait), The Home and Moral Purity, No Fun!, Oil—Evidence of the Worldwide Flood, Betraying Marriage, Bread and Circuses, and more.
In this Issue: Fly the Flag, Christian Courtship: A Foundation for Marriage, Mount Saint Helens After Thirty-Five Years, The Poison of Pornography, Refuting Naturalism and Moral Relativism, A World of Refugees!, and more.
Who you marry will affect the whole rest of your life, therefore, courtship is the time to consider the character of the person you are dating and to lay a good foundation for marriage.
Does it matter what I wear? Take a look at what immodest dress is doing to our society and decide for yourself.
God wants us to serve Him in purity and truth. Satan, however, is in an all-out war against Christians. We need strong Christian families in our world today. We need men—real men, to stand up for truth no matter the cost! Will you be one of those men?
Surely God doesn't mind if we live together without a marriage certificate. After all, it doesn't hurt anything. Or does it? Is there a reason why Christians should be objecting to this new morality?
In a world that delights in exciting the fires of sex, is it possible to keep a pure heart or to leave sinful relationships?
Premarital sex. No big deal? Or, maybe it is a big deal? What does God say about it? He speaks plainly on the subject...