Washing feet? at church?? Did Jesus really mean for people in the 21st century to do THAT? A study of our Lord's example in John 13, and the lessons He taught of spiritual cleansing, humble service, sacrificial love and equality, that will still bless obedient Christians who wash feet today.
Like a compass, the conscience guides us, helps us keep our moral bearings, know what is right and wrong. The Word of God and a sharp conscience will help us sort through the confusing situations that life sometimes brings us. Learn how to keep a good conscience, void of offense, before God and men.
Death is a result of sin; and it is an enemy we all face. Medical science and health advocates are continually seeking ways to prolong life and delay the process of death. They would like to destroy death. But death is all inclusive and certain. It does not miss anyone. What can we do?
God’s great delight in humanity is evident, strong, deep, and nearly incomprehensible. But... there are some really messy situations out there.
Who offers a better freedom- Christian rebirth or the American revolution? Who offers more freedom from tyranny- America or Jesus Christ? Who has broken more chains for men in this land- Independence or Dependence on Jesus Christ? How do we obtain true freedom?
Baptism is an ordinance that Jesus mentioned, and Himself practiced. The early church understood baptism to be a necessary step of obedience. What is the significance of this rite? How can we maintain a Scriptural view and practice of this ordinance?
Could you recognize a controller? Here are some earmarks. How do you cope with a controller? Here is some wisdom. And what if...
To be a godly father may appear to be a daunting task. But the Bible way is really quite simple: teach your children about God, discipline them as needed, thank God for them, and don't anger them--and then do it God's way, over and over and over again.
Water: a basic human need. Does it matter HOW the needed water is located? Does God's Word have any thing to say on the subject of water dowsing/witching? A thoughtful look at this perplexing topic, and some questions raised to which no answers are given....and yet, Biblical direction is found.
Recently, several evangelists said they had a special "word from Lord." What they prophesied did not come to pass. How are we to relate to the prophets of today when so many of their supposed revelations are obviously a complete failure?
As a Christian, how do you know which side of the various conflicts that arise in our world to "support" in your conversation?
A congregation sits hushed as a child barely six years old gives a testimony before his baptism and union with the church. Several times he loses his train of thought, and the pastor must prompt him. At last he finishes and is baptized on his testimony... What do you think of this picture?