Christians face many fleshly appeals that conflict with the claims of Christ. This message is a thoughtful, serious call to a life in Christ that is not controlled by fleshly desires.
Since selfies are a modern development, does the Bible have anything pertinent to say to the subject? We are warned that the last days will be perilous, because “men shall be lovers of their own selves”. Consider: Can you imagine Jesus posting a selfie showing Himself washing the disciples’ feet?
This message contains simple advice taken from the Biblical story of Tamar, encourages both parents and young people to protect their sexual purity, and presents the essentials of recovery from abuse.
Temptations threaten young men's Christian commitment to purity. This message challenges young Christian men to a life of victory and uncompromising holiness.
Young Christian women are bombarded with contemporary views on beauty, modesty and chastity. However, the young woman who is committed to Christ will allow God to define true beauty and right conduct.
If you believe in God as the supreme Creator of the earth you will realize that He is the only thing you can worship. Our generation has made money, pleasure, science and a host of other things its idols. Who are you worshiping?
In a world that delights in exciting the fires of sex, is it possible to keep a pure heart or to leave sinful relationships?
Some comparisons to courtship from Proverbs 30:18-19; four different ways to find a marriage partner, counsel to youth wanting a life companion, and some warning and advice related to the subject.
As we grow older, life brings us experiences from which we can profitably learn. But if we are wise enough to listen to advice from someone who has lived longer than we, we may benefit from their wisdom and avoid repeating their mistakes. What do you wish someone had told you as a teenager?
A sermon for young men - and their fathers - with seven pointers from the life of Gideon for all who would be warriors in God's kingdom. Come and watch Gideon while he threshes wheat, and learn the lessons he was taught at the winepress that made him an effective soldier.
Premarital sex. No big deal? Or, maybe it is a big deal? What does God say about it? He speaks plainly on the subject...
Youth are very interested in their personal future, but the future of Jesus' pilgrim church is important too. In Revelations 2, Jesus addressed the church at Philadelphia, who faced real-life challenges, but won. Will your church?
Who are you? Take a long look into the mirror of God's Word to discover who you really are. And the person you are choosing to be has everything to do with where you are going in life.
Learn what it means to be truly young and free.