An elder speaks regarding brotherhood agreements—a concept common in Anabaptist groups. While abuse of practical agreements are devastating, Dale explores the potential for brotherhoods to come together in genuine unity of life.
A thoughtful look at the main points of Calvinistic doctrine, a careful correction of lopsided emphases according to the Scriptures, and a call to follow the One who said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed." John 8:31
UP amongst the hills, perched like the nest of a bird on one of the long low ridges, lies the little town of Bethlehem. It was but a small town at the time this story begins, and there was nothing about it to make it at all famous.
Some truths, kindly pointed out and explained, to the person comfortable in the thought that sincerity is what counts. Salvation is NOT dependent upon sincerity, and it is a world of difference--in fact, an eternity of difference!--what a person believes about the Lord Jesus Christ.
We don't like to think about growing old. But man’s mortality rate is 100%. And after death comes judgment. That’s reality, whether or not we try to duck it. Do you want to know what God says about it?
Where will we find real security for the soul? Once we have been accepted in Christ, is it possible to lose that safe position? A careful examination of Scripture that will help us understand how we get saved, and how we stay saved
Can someone who was saved lose that gift and again be lost, or is the person who is once saved, always saved?
How long is eternity? No end in sight! No end! Forever and for-ever! What startling words! The life God breathed into man makes man an eternal being-one whose life will never end.
What role do grace, faith and works have in salvation? Rediscover a Biblical view of these terms and a New Testament perspective of salvation.
Why we should require, search for, and trust in “formula” salvation.
There is no need to wander through life, aimlessly and alone. Reach out and take His hand! He will lead you to His eternal home to live with Him forever!