To this difficult question, there is no answer. And yet, God gives an answer to His children: Trust God. His reasons, thoughts and intents are infinitely beyond human capacity to understand. Will we accept the fact that God owes us no explanation for what He allows?
Only the Gospel of Jesus has the answers to the world's problems. Politics is a sideshow that Satan is directing to distract our attention elsewhere. Ignore the distraction and join the real program: Christ's work on earth through the community of genuine believers.
When the big, bad, and nasty happens in society around him, how does the Christian respond? What is the Gospel standard that helps him know how to deal with political unrest? He operates under a Royal Law that will define his actions and reactions, helping to prepare others for a Better World.
So...we say we are citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. How much should we be involved with the affairs that govern this country? Is it okay to have a favored political candidate? Do we have rights? A look at examples and explicit commands from the Bible to help us live as citizens of a Better World.
As ambassadors of the kingdom of heaven, we have no role in the national politics of any nation on earth. While Christians are considered citizens of particular nations, they cannot become involved in national affairs. What are Christians to do when the laws of the land clash with God's laws?
In the time of national elections, Christians face extra pressure to become something they are not. Many times during election years, the question is asked–“Why don’t you folks vote; aren’t Christians to be a salt and a light? Why don’t you use the power of the vote and make a difference?”
As a Christian, how do you know which side of the various conflicts that arise in our world to "support" in your conversation?
I am an ambassador for a nation other than the one governed by the President, a loyal citizen of a far-off country, and take my orders from a Higher King. That is why I don't vote. Can you explain why you don't vote?
Why not? Well...can a Christian serve without breaching the Biblical principle of the unequal yoke? without resisting evil? without blurring the line between church and state? without taking revenge? The Christian has a higher calling than that of a juror: to be an ambassador of peace and love.