Session 3 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
Heaven, the future home for all true Christians, is just as real as any city on earth. It is freedom from all pain, fullness of joy, and eternal communion with God. How can you secure a place for yourself there?
I wrote this to express my feelings about the death of little friend of mine.
What happens when I die? Is death the end?
Championing a Faith That Works Anabaptist Voice is published quarterly and seeks to interpret Bible truth in a simple childlike way, and to apply Bible teaching to the lives of living saints in a practical manner.
Are you ready for the second coming of Christ?
What makes you feel secure? Money, popularity, or having cool stuff? Feeling secure has little to do with being secure after we die. Imagine standing before the righteous and holy God, knowing you are guilty of sin. Nothing could be less secure. How can you be truly secure, today and after you die?
Tragedy strikes once every ten minutes on American highways. Five motorists die each hour amid twisted steel and shattered glass. Automobile accidents snuff out more than 800 lives every week and approximately 42,000 annually.
If life is a choice, why do so many people choose death by suicide? Read this article to learn more about being real with yourself and God. Learn to think beyond today and to consider the future heaven, or hell.
How long is eternity? No end in sight! No end! Forever and for-ever! What startling words! The life God breathed into man makes man an eternal being-one whose life will never end.
The true story of how a prisoner found liberty in Jesus Christ.
Jim Wolf spent more than seven years behind bars. But he spent more years than that in the bondage of sin. As a youth, Jim spent much of his time on the street selling drugs, breaking into people’s houses, stealing, lying, cheating. Those years brought a harvest of trouble. Fights. The law. Jail.
Is the route you are traveling taking you away from God? If so, it’s time to make a U-turn. God asks you to repent—to do an about-face. If you don’t, the consequences will be disastrous.