How can a wife fill her place as God intends?
Jim and John have a legal marriage certificate. Since they live in a state where this is legal, should this create a problem for anyone?
What sets a biblical church apart from the average?
The question of divorce and its lawfulness is of long standing. Once the question was put to Jesus, “Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife?” He had an answer.
Is divorce permitted by Jesus?
Can someone who was saved lose that gift and again be lost, or is the person who is once saved, always saved?
Christians acknowledge that the trinitarian nature of God is a mystery that no amount of illustrating and explaining will ever be able to unravel. Rather than apologize for this, we view it as further evidence that God is indeed the kind of God we need: a God who is greater than we can comprehend.
You can make the Bible say almost anything. Or you can let it speak for itself. Here are some practical ways to make sure that your opinions don't get in the road when you read the Bible.
Maybe you will meet your friend across the street; maybe you will meet God! Before you cross another street, prepare for a safe crossing. It may be just across the street— or to eternity!
As ambassadors of the kingdom of heaven, we have no role in the national politics of any nation on earth. While Christians are considered citizens of particular nations, they cannot become involved in national affairs. What are Christians to do when the laws of the land clash with God's laws?
The problem with extremism is as old as man. Ecclesiastes 7:16 - 18 (paraphrased) says this: Do not be overly-righteous or overly-wise. Why should you destroy yourself? Do not be overly-wicked or foolish. Why should you die before your time? It is good to recognize and avoid all of these extremes.
One of the alarming trends in modern Christianity is the loss of holiness: the absence of a Bible-based, God-honoring expression in the daily lives of professing believers in Christ. True Christianity is not just talk, but also a walk--a way of life. God is still calling His children to holiness!