Second Timothy is the last letter that Paul ever wrote. The letter is Paul's final farewell. He was in prison because of his faith—jailed for preaching Christ and the resurrection from the dead. This article covers three main points from Paul's final exhortation.
What are the marks of homes that bloom for God? Just as blossoms vary in color, shape, and scent, so will homes vary; in talents, callings and abilities. But there is be one foundational principle in which every godly home is rooted: the goal to glorify God and bless His kingdom.
Do you have an enemy? Does your Christianity enable you to respond to him in a supernatural way, instead of with a natural, carnal, vengeful reaction? With His power, you will be able to forgive him, and even WANT to feed him.
Just exactly what are imaginations and what does the Bible say about them? Our thought life must be pure if we wish to see God. How do we harness our imaginations for God's glory?
What could possibly make God jealous? There is only one thing in all the world that could, and that is if you and I, the crown of His creation and the rejoicing of his heart, would spurn Him and reject His love.
Thoughtful Christian courtship is the perfect foundation to genuine, enduring love in marriage. When faith and romance meet, youth should remember these essential ideas: counsel; full surrender; Christ the centre; then follow your heart.
What is Nonresistance? How Should I respond when some one mistreats me? Can I Live a nonresistant life in the 20th Century?
Even in marriage, the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart. This message gives tribute to the beauty of marriage, and deep husband and wife relationships—the hearthrobs that make a house a home.
Some comparisons to courtship from Proverbs 30:18-19; four different ways to find a marriage partner, counsel to youth wanting a life companion, and some warning and advice related to the subject.
Premarital sex. No big deal? Or, maybe it is a big deal? What does God say about it? He speaks plainly on the subject...