The Anabaptists were named thusly because of their belief in adult baptism. But why did they refuse to validate or practice infant baptism, even at the risk of losing their lives? A brief look at the reasons for their position on believer's baptism and the Scriptural basis for it.
Humanism is Satanic driven — essentially glorifying man in defiance of God. Humanism is an “easy” flip of Truth, in our easy-to-live, fun-filled, pleasure-mad, financially-driven, entitlement-minded, counter culture society.
If I am saved, can I lose my salvation? How secure is my salvation? A brief, intense treatise on the doctrine of salvation and eternal security, and a look at sovereign free will, with a list of references to corroborate statements made, and another of verses used to promote unconditional security
Something humanly incredible, divinely mysterious, and eternally significant occurred in the Incarnation of our Lord. Jesus became totally human while continuing to be 100% divine. By His sinless life, sacrificial death, and resurrection in a glorified body, He is worthy to be Lord of all!
Unrighteous anger is a wound that must be healed, lest others be hurt. In surrendering our wills to God, healing comes. But God cannot and will not force us to surrender our wills. A thought-provoking sermon especially directed to parents.