Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, faced His “cup” with courage and confidence in the Father. Believers must also face their “cup” and their cross. Face it like Jesus.
This statement of Christian doctrine and discipline has been prepared in the fear of God with a deep burden for the proper application of the unchanging principles of the Word of God.
Climate change-is there such a thing? Should Christians worry about it if it exists? Instruction for the uninformed, and comfort for the anxious, on the theme, based on the authoritative Word of the Creator. He designed the atmosphere, weather, and climate, and is still in control of planet Earth.
Who or what dictates the style of clothing you wear? Has God shared any thoughts on this subject? Yes, He has! The world needs to see people whose lives—and clothing—show obedience to the standards that God has put in place for His people.
We live in a society of extremes. Although there are many lights, people still live in “darkness”. There are frenzied shoppers in financial bondage, while others do not observe Christmas, insisting that it is wrong because of all the ado. Where do God’s people fit into the picture?
The New Testament gives this marriage counsel: “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church,” and “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands.” Is this advice archaic, or is it the key to real joy in marriage?
How can a wife fill her place as God intends?
The church at Corinth was established by Paul on his second missionary journey. The book of 1 Corinthians gives us a good picture of the life of the early church. It deals with Christian conduct. It is essentially an epistle of correction.
The Gospel of John proclaims Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Redeemer of a lost humanity. The content and arrangement of John's Gospel place special emphasis on the deity of Jesus.
The Gospel of Luke was written by a medical doctor named Luke. His purpose was to present a historically accurate account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and to present it in such a way that Jesus was seen as a perfect Savior
The Gospel of Mark is a message of hope to Christian believers in the Roman world who were facing severe persecution, and possibly martyrdom. Is this particular Gospel relevant in today's world? Consider this. Christians are tempted to blend into the culture, so as not to be thought of as strange.
The Gospel of Matthew was written by a tax collector named Matthew. Of the four Gospels, Matthew is the most systematic in presenting the teachings of Jesus. The book of Matthew was used almost universally by the early church as a source book for instructing new converts in the faith.
In a world where, by one estimate, only 5% of marriages actually grow after the wedding day, do you have the commitment to make your marriage a success? Or is your marriage in need of renewal? Perhaps God has a surprise for you…
Session 3 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".