If I am tired of myself and my old life, what must I do so that "all things become new"? And what can I do about my situation if it doesn't feel like everything is new and wonderful?
How do you know when you have enough? How much distinction should there be between HAVING and WANTING? God's Word warns the pilgrim of the hindrances of possessions, and encourages those who follow the Shepherd to let Him provide for their wants.
Does God care about whether I am happy? Is there something special I need to do, or acquire, or become, in order to be happy? Listen to this sermon and you will find some answers for those questions.
Children come into this world thinking only of one thing: me, me, me! However, somehow children must learn that they are here to be of service to others. Their mentality must take a 180-degree turn... and the challenge for helping developing this mindset rests on their parents. How do we do it?
To every Christian who has been slaving in drudgery for thankless beneficiaries: hear the message of an imprisoned preacher writing from a Roman dungeon and learn instead how to serve with joy!
Have you ever wondered, with the Christians in Rome, why it is that if God’s grace is so glorious in forgiveness, we shouldn’t keep on sinning so He can keep on forgiving us? If so, take the time to listen to Paul’s answer to them as found in Romans 6.
To know God is to love Him. To love Him is to find security. To be secure in His love will make you bold for Him. Knowing God will help you to know who you are, and to find your place in His family.