In a world where, by one estimate, only 5% of marriages actually grow after the wedding day, do you have the commitment to make your marriage a success? Or is your marriage in need of renewal? Perhaps God has a surprise for you…
Women, by nature, are gifted as angels of mercy—who bring beauty, grace and compassion to their world and relationships. Discover how Christian women can bless their families and associates with the unique impact of God-given gifts and strengths.
The late pastor, Delton Martin, begins a series on the family by addressing men. This message presents a heartsearching call for today's men to return to a vision of real men—strong, godly, pure, tender, unselfish, commited providers.
What role do grace, faith and works have in salvation? Rediscover a Biblical view of these terms and a New Testament perspective of salvation.
Thoughtful Christian courtship is the perfect foundation to genuine, enduring love in marriage. When faith and romance meet, youth should remember these essential ideas: counsel; full surrender; Christ the centre; then follow your heart.
Even in marriage, the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart. This message gives tribute to the beauty of marriage, and deep husband and wife relationships—the hearthrobs that make a house a home.