Humility: What is It?
What is Christian Simplicity. Why do we do the things we do? What is out motive for what we do? What is the Core of Simplicity?
"You are complete in Him." This message, which especially addresses pastors, emphasizes the centrality of Christ in the gospel, the sufficiency of Christ in salvation, and the completeness of Christ in Christian experience.
"Flee idolatry", the Apostle Paul wrote long ago. Can we recognize what idolatry looks like today? And once we recognize what it is that is filling the place of GOD in our lives, do we know how to flee from it?
Idolatry is a bondage that enslaves many. You may be surprised, as you listen, to learn what comprises idolatry, and you may discover that you have been serving something other than God. But there is a way to be free; learn from God’s Word how to be freed, and enjoy liberty with His help!
seeing Christ as the Central theme of Scripture
From the conversation in Malachi between God and His people, hear what they weren't understanding, and take the application home to your own heart; don't miss God's conclusions!
Is consecration the same as dedication? Does consecration have anything to do with choices? Who has the first word when it comes to the decision a consecrated Christian needs to make? And who will have the last word?
Is your Life like a Desert? Are you longing for something this world can't supply you? Be like the Samaritan Woman and Accept the Source of Living Water.
What does Salvation consist of? Can we experience all aspects of Salvation in this life?
Professional sports are driven by idolatry, immorality, lust and greed. What does this mean to the disciple of Jesus?
When we search for fulfillment in wrong places, we aren't satisfied. Where Can True Fulfillment Be Found?
What magnetism did this Infant possess to attract adorers from a distant country? What latent powers lay within Him that the reigning monarch should murder so many children in an effort to quench this Rival? Is there a way to determine whether the worshipers are imposters, or genuine seekers?