The church at Corinth was established by Paul on his second missionary journey. The book of 1 Corinthians gives us a good picture of the life of the early church. It deals with Christian conduct. It is essentially an epistle of correction.
The Gospel of John proclaims Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Redeemer of a lost humanity. The content and arrangement of John's Gospel place special emphasis on the deity of Jesus.
The Gospel of Luke was written by a medical doctor named Luke. His purpose was to present a historically accurate account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and to present it in such a way that Jesus was seen as a perfect Savior.
The Gospel of Mark is a message of hope to Christian believers in the Roman world who were facing severe persecution, and possibly martyrdom. Is this particular Gospel relevant in today's world? Consider this. Christians are tempted to blend into the culture, so as not to be thought of as strange.
The Gospel of Matthew was written by a tax collector named Matthew. Of the four Gospels, Matthew is the most systematic in presenting the teachings of Jesus. The book of Matthew was used almost universally by the early church as a source book for instructing new converts in the faith.
Acupressure, reflexology, muscle testing, Chi, kiatsu, and oriental herb combinations...should Christians endorse or engage in these alternative health practices?
The perspective of this book is that there exists one unchanging Pattern for the church which is Christ Jesus Himself.
An in-depth discussion on baptism as taught in the Scriptures, with various types of baptisms examined, and a close look at the baptismal events mentioned in the New Testament
In following Christ, a Christian is not taught only to avoid taking the offensive, but even in what could be considered legitimate self-defense, he responds by overcoming evil with good and loving his offenders, just as His master.
Practical teaching on courtship, marriage, and child training.
Music can calm people or it can arouse whole nations. It moves soldiers to bravery, punks to immorality, and the godly to worship. What is your music doing for you? More importantly, what should it be doing for you? What does God want music to work in you?
UP amongst the hills, perched like the nest of a bird on one of the long low ridges, lies the little town of Bethlehem. It was but a small town at the time this story begins, and there was nothing about it to make it at all famous.
This treatise is for three categories of people: first, those who have been influenced by evolutionary theories; second, those who are not clear in their beliefs; and third, for those who believe that God's Word is true and harmonizes with science.
The true story of how a prisoner found liberty in Jesus Christ.
A true story demonstrating the power of the gospel.