The perspective of this book is that there exists one unchanging Pattern for the church which is Christ Jesus Himself.
What is Anabaptism? This essay, first published in 1944, presents a classic statement of the essence and vision of the early Anabaptists. "We shall practice what He taught, believing that where He walked we can by His grace follow in His steps."
What is the nature of God's kingdom? By the kingdom of God, we are not talking about a kingdom that defends itself with guns or other weapons. We are talking about the spiritual reign of Jesus Christ, who lives in the hearts and lives of those who believe and follow Him as their Lord and Master.
A careful look at the origin of “tongues”, a discussion on their abuse/proper use, some questionable claims and warnings, a study of confirming signs in the apostolic era, and at the end, a list of questions that will demand honest answers.
“We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard, said the apostles marching directly into persecution. They had discovered the secret of Jesus' strength. We may discover it too, thanks to the clues left behind by those who loved not their lives even unto death.