We live in a society of extremes. Although there are many lights, people still live in “darkness”. There are frenzied shoppers in financial bondage, while others do not observe Christmas, insisting that it is wrong because of all the ado. Still others are out buying gifts because “they have to”.
You won't find lasting joy gift-wrapped at the base of an evergreen three, adorned with a red bow. But you can find it at the foot of a much uglier tree, cross-shaped and blood-stained. Christ came, not to remain a baby, but to give His life on that tree as the perfect sacrifice for sins.
For many people Christmas is a time to give gifts, hang lights, and gather with family. In the midst of the fun they forget that Jesus is the greatest gift of Christmas.
At Christmas time, Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, is often forgotten. However, in studying his life we find many remarkable characteristics. He was a true man of God.
Simeon and Anna, two old saints of God, were among the first to recognize the baby Jesus for who He was. To them the Messiah's birth was truly glad tidings of great joy.
When Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem there was no room for them in the inn so Jesus was born in a stable. Is there room in your heart for Him?
Through the so-called Christmas season, Santa Claus is much in the mind of American children. Books portray him, TV displays him, songs remind us of him, and the stores give opportunity to meet him! Does the Bible have anything to say about this contemporary emphasis on a mythological Santa?
A brief summary of the chain of events that brought a Savior to our dark world, and the surprise ending that God used to finish the story of redemption. What connection do these happenings have with people living in the twenty-first century?
Why would God ever stoop to become a man? The answer? He loved us so much He wanted to make a way for us to be saved. Without the incarnation there could have been no perfect sacrifice for our sins and we would have been separated from God forever.
The stories of Jesus have been preserved for us, His birth, childhood, baptism, temptation, ministry, teachings, suffering, death, and resurrection.
Christmas: it is more than a time to gather with family, eat good food, and unwrap gifts. Christmas centers around a person, Christ the Lord, and the reasons He came to earth so long ago.