A happy marriage sounds like a dream come true! But for far too many husbands and wives, the dream becomes a nightmare instead. If they will make the choice to follow the instructions of the One who designed marriage, they may still know the beauty of a marriage that glorifies Him.
God created marriage and gave it as a special gift to man. Therefore it is natural and right when young people seek a marriage partner.
God has created man with a controllable sex drive. Gratification cancels out satisfaction; satisfaction means no immediate gratification. You and I continually make the choice between the two...because we cannot have both.
Marriage—a blessed relationship or a strained ordeal?
Who you marry will affect the whole rest of your life, therefore, courtship is the time to consider the character of the person you are dating and to lay a good foundation for marriage.
In a world that delights in exciting the fires of sex, is it possible to keep a pure heart or to leave sinful relationships?
Premarital sex. No big deal? Or, maybe it is a big deal? What does God say about it? He speaks plainly on the subject...