In our day there is a babel of confusing voices all around us. Many times the teachings presented are conflicting and bewildering and truth seems elusive. Can we sort out what comes from God and what is from the devil? Are there any standards to go by?
A sermon for young men--and their fathers--with seven pointers from the life of Gideon for all who would be warriors in God's kingdom. Come and watch Gideon while he threshes wheat, and learn the lessons he was taught at the winepress that made him an effective soldier.
The nurse was businesslike, yet nice in a “we would like to have your money” sort of way. “Don’t worry about a thing,” she said. “The baby isn’t even formed yet, and the uterus contains only some bloody material.”
Timothy was Paul's close friend and associate in the ministry of spreading the gospel. He is a beautiful example of genuine care for others and loyalty to God's Word.
To be a godly father may appear to be a daunting task. But the Bible way is really quite simple: teach your children about God, discipline them as needed, thank God for them, and don't anger them--and then do it God's way, over and over and over again.
The Bible teaches that there are two kinds of wisdom. There is a worldly, carnal wisdom—and a helpful, spiritual wisdom. By observing a person's life it will soon be obvious which kind of wisdom they are living by.
Genuine faith will produce action. Good works can never save us, we need faith; but saving faith will produce works. Will someone believe that you love them because you told them you do if you never treat them kindly?
Peter's life brought him to two life-changing charcoal fires—one where he denied Jesus, and the one where he found forgiveness and renewal. Explore the nature of denial, and Jesus ministry of restoring and recommissioning the fallen.