In this Issue: “Handmade”, Comprehending the Incomprehensible Love of God, Worth Dying For, Teaching Money and Material Values, Man Created or Descended?, The Paradox of Tolerance, and more.
In this Issue: Live Longer, Protect your Reputation, The Science of the Mind, Are there Answers for Our Violent world?, The Glory of the Cross, Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and more.
In this Issue: Sugar Pills, So You Want Friends?, Humanism and the Liberation Philosophy, The Chambered Nautilus, Where are the Men, The Christian and Political Action, and more.
The person who writes for a Conservative Mennonite publisher faces one extremely important question. How can I make my story leave a proper Christian witness, give it a Scriptural flavor, and have it turn out “right” while still keeping it realistic?
Marriage relationships are at their best when God's love thrives between husband and wife. Truly successful Christian marriages are marked by their love, commitment, respect, communication, submission and sacrifice.
Fatherhood is a choice, not an accident. It is not a job for the faint of heart. Like Noah of old, fathers are called by God to make safe places for themselves, their homes, and the church/school - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Noah shows fathers how to find grace in the eyes of God.
Principles of life, taken from the Giver of Life. Let us, who have a legacy of faith in Him, be among the heroes who rise to challenges of our day, and permit Him to be sovereign in our family planning and life choices. "Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Cor. 6:20
Is television for the Christian? Can we control it to where it will bless us? TV is affecting almost every home across the nation, do you want it in yours?
The Christian believes that the Author of Life has control of life—from the cradle to the grave. We honor His views, we value children, and we look to Him to give meaning to every life He has created.
Marriage, which God instituted at Creation, is recognized worldwide as a wholesome relationship. Jesus reiterated His Father's original intent of marriage as a lifelong arrangement., and the apostles noted that marriage is a type of Christ and His Bride, the church. How does divorce fit in?
Even in marriage, the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart. This message gives tribute to the beauty of marriage, and deep husband and wife relationships—the hearthrobs that make a house a home.
Mr. Flint rode miles out ahead of the wagon train, scouting out a safe path for the caravan behind him. What responsibility do fathers have in charting a safe path for the innocent children God has placed into his care?