Mr. Flint rode miles out ahead of the wagon train, scouting out a safe path for the caravan behind him. What responsibility do fathers have in charting a safe path for the innocent children God has placed into his care?
Do you know the scriptural reasons for women to cover their heads? Many professing Christians reject this command of God or attempt to explain it away. Yet there are many biblical reasons to practice it today.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, spent a great amount of time hunting for happiness. He sought it in luxury, knowledge, wine, and lust but he couldn't find it because it wasn't there. Finally he realized that the only place happiness can be found is in the Lord.
“We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard, said the apostles marching directly into persecution. They had discovered the secret of Jesus' strength. We may discover it too, thanks to the clues left behind by those who loved not their lives even unto death.
Traditionally, Advent is a time to contemplate the gift of a Redeemer. This Child who came from heaven to earth changed everything, and if He hasn't changed you and your household, you have missed the Advent. Seven aspects of the Advent to consider as you prepare to celebrate Christ's birth.
This is a 10 Lesson Study book that will guide you through the history of man, starting with creation and continuing to the end of this present world. The text book used for this study is the oldest, most reliable history book in the world, The Holy Bible.
Can you picture Jesus Christ on the cross? The pain, the blood, the agony. And yet no words of hate or pleas for release came from His lips. In His darkest hours He spoke seven times, and the words were words of love.
What should be done with lapses in moral purity, the proverbial “skeletons in the closet”? The shame associated with such sin has a remedy; there is victory for the fallen and cleansing for the filthy. Learn 4 mileposts on the road to victory over sexual sins, then "go, and sin no more!"
The Holy Spirit gives gifts to meet the needs inside and outside of the church. Among these gifts are miracles, healings, and speaking in tongues. Many Christians are troubled that we do not see more miracles; does this mean the Spirit is not moving in us?