In this article, we are called to look at our lives in relation to God's Word. Are we trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord; or are we leaning, falling trees that are allowing the culture around us to erode our roots?.
If the Holy Spirit is living in a person, how will He show His presence? By signs and wonders? By victory over sinful habits? By speaking in tongues? By making God-honoring decisions? A look at how the Holy Spirit works in the life of a believer today.
Christians are under the Scriptural directive to make sure that everything we do is to the glory of God. So what will glorifying God look like when we're on vacation?
Summertime can bring a unique set of challenges to the Christian. Is our view of work, pleasure, vacation, and modesty defined by the world or by the Bible?
Temptations threaten young men's Christian commitment to purity. This message challenges young Christian men to a life of victory and uncompromising holiness.
Young Christian women are bombarded with contemporary views on beauty, modesty and chastity. However, the young woman who is committed to Christ will allow God to define true beauty and right conduct.
How does the Christian decide what is right? What is wrong? Those who accept the Word of God as their moral code will live the safest and surest. Take Christ for your pattern and say, “I’m going to do as He did.”
What is humility? How do I get humility? Or, how do I know if I am humble? "Humility is one of those traits that, once you claim to have it, it gets away."
Law: how should the Christian think about it? A careful look at moral law, God’s covenants with Noah and Abraham, the law He gave to Moses for the nation of Israel, and finally, the law of Christ. Several erroneous ideas about the Law are also addressed.
A look into Creator’s Book to explore the relationship between seeds planted and harvest gathered, the connection between decisions and consequences. They may be more important than you realize!
The resurrection of Jesus assures that He is living today and has all power in Heaven and earth. That power is available to help us overcome sin. When we have been changed by the power of Jesus it will be obvious in at least several different ways.
It is possible to abuse the name of God in several different ways. A study of the Third Commandment reveals that we may misuse it not only by swearing but also by irreverence and hypocrisy.
What should be done with lapses in moral purity, the proverbial “skeletons in the closet”? The shame associated with such sin has a remedy; there is victory for the fallen and cleansing for the filthy. Learn 4 mileposts on the road to victory over sexual sins, then "go, and sin no more!"