Why is family worship necessary? Or important? Don’t our children hear enough Bible teaching at church? How can we make family devotional time relevant, and hold the interest of the varied levels of age and understanding?
Do you know the history and meaning behind Halloween? Should Christians participate in Halloween festivities? Is it possible for Christians to have homes with "hallowed evenings"? Yes indeed! Listen and learn how.
What are the marks of homes that bloom for God? Just as blossoms vary in color, shape, and scent, so will homes vary; in talents, callings and abilities. But there is be one foundational principle in which every godly home is rooted: the goal to glorify God and bless His kingdom.
A friend is someone you trust and respect for who they are, not for what they can do for you. Friendship is one of the things that makes life worth living.
In a world where most homes are in shambles a stable, contented family is rare. Your family does not have to be that way though. When every person accepts the role God has planned for them in the home it is a peaceful happy place.
Jesus chose to use a child to teach His disciples. What do we learn when a child is our teacher? We observe them and learn humility, obedience, teachableness, faith, generosity in giving, forgiveness, dependence, innocence, transparency and adoration. Let us become as little children!
When a mother is NOT joyful, her children don't want to be around her, and neither does her husband. This sermon will help to identify joy-stealers, and better yet, offers Biblical solutions so that she may indeed become "a joyful mother of children" Psalm 113:9.
In this newsletter: Understanding Forgiveness, What Is Our Life?, Life in a Concentration Camp in Russia, Testimonies and Poems from Prison, An Answered Prayer, Science in Creation: comets, Father: An Anointed Teacher, and more.
In this newsletter: Facing Trials with Joy, Science in Creation: Pearls, Be A Peacemaker, Testimonies and Poems from prison, Train up a Child, Mistaken for a Pirate, and more.
In this Issue: The Miracle of Peace, Finding Peace in Stressful Times, Training Children for God, God's Dream House, The Wells of Trouble, The Human Race, and more.
The “evolution” of humanity continues, and another hint of expanded sexual freedom is in the air. Should we celebrate? This article investigates the divine perspective on the modern move to comfort the homosexual and redefine sexual boundaries.
Here is an inseparable union deciding how to use their liquid resources to glorify God. How shall they manage their money without it managing them? As they make carefully use what He has entrusted to their care, they do well to remember that marriage has higher purposes than financial success.
How is a good leader developed? Listen to this sermon, and learn that a good leader is a servant who accepts feedback and can incorporate the talents of others. And there are things a wife can do to help her husband develop into a strong leader. (It’s NOT by leading for him until he seems capable.)