Young people hear the voices of many "false spirits," even from 'Christian' people—those whose lives are like the New Testament Judaizers, Gnostics and Nicolaitans. "Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits."
Even the most sincere "walk down the aisle" or the most passionate "sinner's prayer" is no substitute for Jesus' words, "take up your cross daily and follow me." Christianity is a life—not a one-time decision.
How can a person know what is imaginary and what is actual? We tend to depend on our five senses to help us sort the fictitious from the genuine; but did you know that those may be fooled? So if our senses are not a reliable guide, what is?
Where will we find real security for the soul? Once we have been accepted in Christ, is it possible to lose that safe position? A careful examination of Scripture that will help us understand how we get saved, and how we stay saved
How did Judas, a disciple who was deeply trusted, become the man that betrayed Jesus? A spirit of slander, a driving covetousness, and ultimately, a refusal to confess sin turned a Christ follower into a suicidal Christ betrayer.
The Bible has truths for everyone, but the book of Genesis is foundational to our belief about God, our reason for existence, ethics, morality, and the creation of man. The casting away of the book of Genesis is a sinister warning of moral decay in our society.
From the beginning, wherever the truth of the Gospel went, the voices of error followed soon after. Paul taught Timothy to overcome many various forms of error by godly living, faithful teaching, and self-discipline.
Was Judas truly one of Jesus' disciples? Did he really fall away, and was he actually lost? A study of New Testament Scriptures about Judas Iscariot that offers answers to these questions.
A pastor calls his congregation to spiritual life and renewal. What are the "life leaks" that drain churches of the power and life of the Spirit? …anger, secret desires, inconsistency, bitterness, falseness, addictions, sin and more.
The Bible says that in the last times perilous times will come. What will be the signs of these times and how can we avoid being part of those who fall into hypocrisy and apostasy?
From the conversation in Malachi between God and His people, hear what they weren't understanding, and take the application home to your own heart; don't miss God's conclusions!
Although Simon Peter denied Jesus three times on the night before His crucifixion he later became one of the pillars of the church. His example should be an encouragement to all who have fallen in their Christian lives.
A careful look at the origin of “tongues”, a discussion on their abuse/proper use, some questionable claims and warnings, a study of confirming signs in the apostolic era, and at the end, a list of questions that will demand honest answers.